Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Birthday to A

Not yet... but soon!

I've gotten several requests for ideas about first birthday presents for Amelia. She has been fairly tight lipped about revealing what she wants, so I guess I will have to speak for her this year. I'll start by saying that you don't have to get her anything!-- but I know some of you will. So the second thing I'll say is that some of her favorite things are things I never would have gotten for her. If you have your own ideas about what a one-year-old might want, I am sure they are great. A few of my ideas are below:

1. The ability to sleep through the night--this is not a joke. This is more for me than for Amelia but I will take prayers, charms, magic tricks, advice, stories about what worked for you, ANYTHING. Ironically, I have been too tired to write about Amelia's sleep. I will try to do it next--if her nap lasts long enough. Ha.

2. Come visit Amelia in Denver. She loves company more than gifts.

3. It occurred to me recently than Amelia needed shoes. She is pulling up to stand a lot and beginning to cruise. A closer look at the sand she so loves in the park reveals a variety of sharpish things, like sticks and even the occasional piece of glass. So today we had our first mommy-daughter shopping trip. I bought her a pair of Robeez. They are extremely cute. She is now a size 5. But according to the very knowledgeable shoe store lady, she will outgrow these shoes in about three months and also need shoes with a tougher sole for when she walks. So if you are into baby shoe shopping...

4. We've been thinking ahead to winter gear. A has a lot of summer clothes but relatively few long sleeve shirts and pants. Her size is currently around 12-18 months. Dean pointed out the other day that Amelia will have outgrown her old winter coats. Like a certain trio of kittens, she has no mittens. And she has one pair of these baby legwarmers that I love. Another pair might be nice. (Incidentally, the baby modeling the purple polka dot legwarmers (the one on the potty) is my friend's baby Faith!) Secondhand clothes--and shoes--and anything else--are great!

5. Toy wise, Amelia currently loves colorful board books and flash cards. Study or plastic-coated paper is best because she loves to chew on the books and cards as much as she likes to look at them. Maybe that will pass soon?

Other than that, I don't know. I am not sure what Dean and I will get her either. I think we are going to start a college fund for her... but it might be fun to get her a new toy also. I'd actually love suggestions from anyone with an older baby. What toys did your baby love around age one?

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