Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or TrEATING

Trick or treating started early around here today. It's been getting harder and harder to keep Amelia still while changing her diaper, so this morning while I changed her I handed her a fun-size Twix out of the Halloween candy bowl that happened to be within reach. I thought she wouldn't be able to break through the shiny wrapper, but when I took it away from her, I notice that she was chewing thoughtfully.

I had to switch her to Cheerios and milk.

She's going to be a skeleton for Halloween. We are going to the park for a neighborhood costume playdate at 4:00 this afternoon. Then we are invited to a party at 5:00, but we will have to see how fussy Amelia is by then. We might just come home and give out candy, and let Amelia see the older kids in costume before dinner and bed.

Speaking of dinner, here she is in her costume the other night. She has been getting more independent about eating, and as you can see, she was eating her prunes from the jar by herself: first with a spoon (sort of), and then, when the spoon got too bothersome, with her bare hands.

Just for the record, here's Amelia last Halloween, when she was 4 weeks old.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She looks so grown up in that picture with the prunes. Have fun tonight!