Thursday, September 20, 2007

Random Update

I thought I would update, although I have no interesting questions in mind. Most of my questions are currently about teaching, poetry, or keeping up in school.

Speaking of which, what do people think of the phrase "the fan like a scope of a gun"?

Anyway, so school's started and I'm finally getting into the swing of things. Yesterday was a big day-- the poet Martin Espada read and I did his introduction. That should be Martin with an accent mark over the i-- MarTEEN. I don't know how to do the accent mark on blogspot. It's a big deal; I got an email before the intro that he won't get up on stage if you say Martin instead of MarTEEN. So I got irrationally but extremely nervous before the reading that I was somehow going to accidentally say Martin. Then I would be the white girl who said Martin. But I did okay.

Also yesterday I had to give a presentation on C.K. Williams' poem "The Dog," which you can read here. It's got a fabulously, disgustingly elegant description of a dog going to the bathroom in it. And that went okay too.

So now two big things I had to do are over and I can just keep up with normal work, such as investigating the question "Do poems think?" for my one real English class. Hmm.

If anyone has any ideas on that one, let me know.

I've been writing a lot more, getting up, having coffee, writing in my journal, reading some poems and some "theory," then sitting at the computer for an hour or two, sometimes more. If you are trying to accomplish something, let me suggest getting into a routine where you do whatever it is first thing in the morning. It's working well for me. Of course, it's a luxury to be able to get up and not have to rush to get ready for work. I guess that's why so many poets/artists/etc get up at 4 AM to do their work.

It's fallish here, which is nice. I like the fall smell and the clear sky.

We've been watching Desperate Housewives (DVDs from, a Netflixish kind of system) and it's fascinating. I love it. And the next thing we get will be The Office Season 3! We got rid of our cable for this thing. It's cheaper and better; we watch interesting things. The only bad thing is, no more Jon Stewart.


joy said...

I miss Jon Steward. My goal, one day, is to have cable.

And poems don't think. Poets and readers think. I cannot bear people who try to kill the author and let the text stand alone, like it's alive. It's fucking stupid and abstract and pointless.

And it's hard enough to be a writer, to try to eek out a living and still make time to tell your goddamned story or write your goddamned poem. I got really upset in grad school when the critics try to kill the author, focus on the text, remove the author's experience from the language. We barely fucking exist in the first place...

That's my answer...I'm grumpy.

Boricua in Texas said...

While pressing Alt, type 161 and you will get the í.

Kimberly O'Connor said...

Wow, thank you Ingrid.

My Prof tries to make a distinction between the "author" and the "writer."