Here is an excerpt from an email I got recently from my friend Julie:
Please join me in a collaborative, online feminist art project called VULVAlution.
In a world where women’s bodies continue to be objectified, medicalized, labeled, devalued, and hidden, we need space to understand and celebrate our bodies--and take control of the images created of them. In 2007, Oprah Winfrey talked about her vagina, using the language of Gray's Anatomy, the vajajay. Sometimes we call it "down there," "between the legs," “bits,” “cunt,” “twat,” "coochie" or "pussy." Whatever you call your vagina and vulva, how often do you look at your vulva and vaginal opening? How often do you dwell, then admire, then celebrate them?
This is what I am inviting you to do for a few minutes in 2008. Specifically, I invite you to photograph your vulva and vagina opening. Use a digital camera, a cell phone, a disposable camera, anything you'd like. Just spend the time getting a good picture of your vulva.
Then, if you would, send a picture and some thoughts about what the experience was like to Tell me about taking the photograph--how did you do it? What did it feel like? How did you feel about the picture? What do you think about emailing it? Posting it to a blog? What do you think about the project, VULVAlution?
You're welcome to send poems, graphics, stories or other expressions inspired by the experience of photographing yourself. With your permission, I'll post them at VULVAlution, the blog at At VULVAlution, I hope that women will share their experience, make comments and who knows, maybe we’ll even create our own VULVAlution. You can send your photo anonymously, but you must have a valid email to verify that the picture is yours and that you are giving me permission to post it. You are also welcome to use your name - or not - just let me know your preference.
Here is her blog.
So, I've been thinking about this project. Like a good feminist, I got out my hand mirror. I've of course examined my vulva/vagina before: when I was a teenager trying to learn to use tampons, after every rereading of Our Bodies Our Selves. I can't decide what I think about this project, though. Does the world need a website on which women post photographs of their vulvas?
Part of me says yes, as the vulva/vagina is a body part, a nice one at that. I can see how a collection of photographs could be empowering, interesting, celebratory, educational. How it approaches a part of women's bodies that is often discussed (if it is discussed at all) as though it were embarrassing or dirty in a measured and non-pornographic way.
But part of me just doesn't want to put a picture of my vulva on the Internet. It seems private, both in a "what would my mother think?" way, but more importantly, in a, "that's mine, to look at in my mirror, and share with only people I choose" kind of way.
So. I haven't made up my mind. What do you think about this? Will you post on VULVAlution? Why or why not?
hmmmm, I'm not sure!
Well. It might be fun to make my husband take a picture of my vajayjay...could lead to sexy time...however, I don't know about internet vajayjay. That doesn't seem nice.
Theres so many vagina's out there on the www already. I've done it before with long distance romance. It was fun, exciting beyond belief, HOT. I like my pussy. But now that the 50's waxing heavily on me, I must say, it just sounds a tad boring.
Nope. Why? Can't fully articulate that except that I'm not fully bought in to the idea that sharing vulvas on the Internet is really feminist and empowering.
Anyone heard of Britney Spears or Paris Hilton?
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